Nov 13, 2019

2019/20 Argentina Soybeans 8.7% Planted, Corn 42.7% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

2019/20 Argentina Soybeans - The weather in Argentina continues to be sub-par with adequate moisture in the central and northern parts of the country, but dryer than normal weather across southern and western Argentina. The dryer areas have received some widely scattered showers, but not enough to recharge the overall soil moisture. The forecast for this week is better for northern Argentina, but only marginal for central and southern Argentina with improved chances of rain in the 6-10 forecast.

Over the last 15 days, farmers in Argentina have started to plant their soybeans. The 2019/20 soybean crop in Argentina was 8.7% planted late last week according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. The early soybean planting is just slightly slower than last year. The most advanced soybean planting is in the core production areas where about 20-25% of the soybeans have been planted. Generally less than 5% of the soybeans in southern Argentina have been planted and no soybeans have been planted in far northern Argentina.

2019/20 Argentina Corn - As mentioned above, the weather in Argentina continues to be below average with adequate moisture in the central and northern parts of the country, but dryer than normal weather across southern and western Argentina. The dryer areas have received some widely scattered showers, but not enough to recharge the overall soil moisture.

The 2019/20 corn in Argentina was 42.7% planted late last week according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an advance of 2.5% for the week. The most advanced corn planting is in the core areas where the corn is 92-95% planted. In southern Argentina, the corn is 30-60% planted and no corn has been planted in far northern Argentina.

The early planted corn is germinating and in early vegetative development and is rated 4.8% poor to very poor and 46% good to excellent, which is an improvement over last year. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 21% short to very short and 29% optimum to surplus, which is also better than last year.