Apr 20, 2021

2021 U.S. Planting Progress - Corn 8% and Soybeans 3%

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Corn - The 2021 U.S. corn is 8% planted compared to 6% last year and 8% average. This represents an advance of 4% for the week. The corn emergence is 2% compared to 1% last year and 1% average. Of the bigger producing states, Illinois leads the way with 12% planted (8% average), Indiana 7% (3% average), Ohio 4% (1% average), Iowa 4% (5% average), Minnesota 3% (4% average), North Dakota 3% (0% average), Nebraska 2% (4% average), and South Dakota 1% (1% average).

Soybeans - The 2021 U.S. soybeans are 3% planted compared to 2% last year and 2% average. Once again, Illinois is in front with 5% planted (1% average), Ohio 5% (0% average), Indiana 4% (1% average, and Iowa 1% (0% average).

The weather in the U.S. will be markedly cooler this week with forecast for frost across much of the Midwest in addition to some snow. The frost will probably not cause major damage to the corn or soybeans because very little of the crop has emerged, but the cool temperatures will slow germination and emergence.

Soil Moisture - Dryer than normal topsoil continues to be a concern especially in the northwestern Corn Belt where the North Dakota topsoil is rated 78% short/very short, South Dakota is 58%, Iowa is 29%, Minnesota is 22%, and Nebraska is 19%. Some dryness has also been creeping into the eastern Corn Belt with the topsoil in Indiana rated 18% short/very short, Ohio is 18%, and Illinois is 9%.