Sep 22, 2021

Brazil's 2021/22 First Corn Crop 22% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Southern Brazil has received enough rain over the past month to encourage farmers to ramp up their planting of the first corn crop. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, more than half of the corn has been planted with some areas nearing completion. Nationwide, the first corn crop in Brazil is 22% planted compared to 23% last year according to Ag Rural. This represents an advance of 6% for the week.

Corn germination and emergence are reported to be good, and farmers are hoping for good yields. The corn harvest should start later in January and a few farmers may opt to plant a second crop of soybeans after the corn is harvested. The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture extended the date this growing season by when the soybeans must be planted. Farmers in Rio Grande do Sul now have until January 31st to complete their soybean planting, which is 30 days longer than previously.

In the state of Parana, the Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported earlier last week that farmers had planted 28% of their intended first corn acreage. The corn is 73% germinating and 27% in vegetative development. Most of the corn planting in the state has been in the southern part of the state where the rains have been more abundant.

In the more southern municipalities, farmers started planting before the end of August and the corn is now 50-80% planted. In the municipality of Pato Branco in southern Parana, the corn harvest should start the second half of January allowing for a second crop of soybeans to be planted by January 31st. The last day to plant soybeans in Parana was extended by 30 days this growing season and farmers must finish planting by January 31st.

Farmers in northern Parana are still waiting for enough rainfall to start planting their 2021/21 corn and soybeans.