Sep 29, 2021
2021 U.S. Soybeans 16% Harvested vs. 13% Average
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The 2021 U.S. soybean crop is 75% dropping leaves compared to 72% last year and 66% average. The soybeans are 16% harvested compared to 18% last year and 13% average. The condition of the U.S. soybean crop is unchanged at 58% rated good to excellent.
Warmer and dryer weather continues to push the soybean maturity about 9% ahead of average. This quick maturity is not the best way to maximize soybean yields because it leaves less time to fill the later set pods at the top of the plant.
Soybean harvesting is progressing faster than average in the western areas vs. the eastern and southern areas. The soybeans in Minnesota are 30% harvested vs. 15% average (+15%), North Dakota is 26% vs. 16% (+10%), Iowa is 18% vs. 11% (+7%), Wisconsin is 11% vs. 5% (+6%), Michigan is 12% vs. 7% (+5%), South Dakota is 17% vs. 13% (+4%), and Nebraska is 17% vs. 15% (+2%).
Soybean harvesting in the eastern and southern areas is slower than average with Louisiana 54% harvested vs. 68% average (-14%), Mississippi is 36% vs. 43% (-7%), Tennessee is 9% vs. 15% (-6%), Ohio is 5% vs. 8% (-3%), and North Carolina is 5% vs 7% (-2%).
On the positive side, it looks like it might be a quick harvest this fall which should allow for fall field work and fertilizer applications.
The 2021 U.S. soybean estimate was left unchanged this week at 50.3 bu/ac and 4.34 billion bushels, and I have a neutral bias going forward.