Oct 06, 2021
2021 U.S. Corn 29% Harvested, Soybeans 34% Harvested
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The harvesting of both the 2021 U.S. corn and soybean crops is ahead of average, and it will probably remain ahead through the completion of the harvest.
U.S. Corn - The 2021 U.S. corn crop is 88% mature compared to 85% last year and 77% average. The corn is 29% harvested compared to 24% last year and 22% average. The corn harvest is further advanced in the eastern Corn Belt with Illinois 41% harvested (32% average), Indiana 26% (22% average), Michigan 17% (7% average), and Ohio 11% (11% average). The corn harvest is not as advanced in the western Corn Belt with Nebraska 21% harvested (18% average), Minnesota 20% (7% average), Iowa 19% (11% average), North Dakota 18% ( 5% average), and South Dakota 18% (10% average).
U.S. corn yields are quite variable which is the result of dry weather, increased disease pressures, and rapid maturity of the corn. There also appears to be lighter test weights, which could also be caused by the above-mentioned factors. The 2021 U.S. corn yield was left unchanged this week at 175.0 bu/ac, and I have a neutral to slightly lower bias going forward.
U.S. Soybeans - The 2021 U.S. soybean crop is 86% dropping leaves compared to 83% last year and 80% average. The soybeans are 34% harvested compared to 35% last year and 26% average. The soybean harvest is further advanced in the western Corn Belt with Minnesota 62% harvested (31% average), North Dakota 48% (34% average), Iowa 40% (23% average), South Dakota 40% (28% average), and Nebraska 34% (28% average). The soybean harvest is not as advanced in the Eastern Corn Belt with Illinois 32% harvested (25% average), Michigan 31% (15% average), Indiana 28% (23% average), and Ohio 22% (20% average).
There are some surprising good soybean yields being reported, which illustrates once again that soybeans can respond to improved conditions late in the growing season. The 2021 U.S. soybean yield was left unchanged this week at 50.3 bu/ac, and I have a neutral bias going forward.