Oct 07, 2021

Early Soybean Planting Underway in Northeastern Brazil

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

State of Bahia - Farmers with irrigation capabilities in the state of Bahia are starting to plant their 2021/22 soybeans. Farmers who do not have irrigation will start planting their soybeans at the end of October or early November when the soil moisture improves. The summer rains usually arrive last in northeastern Brazil, so that is the area of Brazil where the soybeans are planted the latest.

The president of Aprosoja-BA estimates that the soybean acreage in the state will increase 60,000 hectares to 1.76 million (4.34 million acres), or an increase of 3.5%. Farmers in the state had excellent soybean yields last year and they are hoping for a repeat of good yields and strong prices. They are heavily investing last year's profits in this year's production.

The delivery of some of the inputs such as fertilizers has been delayed, but since most of the soybeans will not be planted until the end of October or early November, the inputs should arrive in time and planting is not expected to be delayed.

State of Maranhao - The early soybean planting has started in southern Maranhao. In the central regions of the state, soybean planting will start in November and in the northern regions, soybean planting will start in December.

The president of Aprosoja-MA estimates that the soybean acreage in the state will increase 5% to 7% to approximately 1.1 million hectares (2.7 million acres). He is estimating that the statewide soybean yield will be in the range of 55 sacks per hectare (49.1 bu/ac) with the better areas surpassing that number. Farmers have taken advantage of strong domestic soybean prices to forward contract approximately 50% of their anticipated 2021/22 production.

Some farmers are still waiting for delivery of their fertilizers and chemicals, but planting should not be delayed because priority was given for farmers in the southern part of the state. Soybean farmers in Maranhao had a good year last year and they are hoping for a repeat in 2021/22.