Oct 12, 2021

Worrisome Weather Forecast for Argentina, Near and Long Term

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The weather last week in Argentina was a mixed bag with cooler and dryer conditions in central and southern Argentina and hotter and dryer conditions in northern Argentina. There were even light frosts late last week in parts of central and southern Argentina. There were a few light scattered showers over the weekend in Cordoba with mostly dry weather across Argentina.

The forecast is calling for a few scattered showers this week, but overall, rainfall is expected to remain below normal for the next 10-15 days which could lead to declines in soil moisture and stress the germination of corn and soybeans.

The latest ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) forecast for Argentina does not look promising. It shows hot and dry conditions across the major production regions of Argentina throughout the growing season. The biggest moisture deficit is forecasted for December and January, which is also forecasted to have the highest temperatures. The combination of heat and dryness could lead to significant stress for corn and soybeans.