Oct 14, 2021
Soybean Planting Progressing Rapidly in South-Central Mato Grosso
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The summer rains arrived on time and the soybean planting in Mato Grosso, Brazil is progressing much faster than last year. The farmers in Mato Grosso had planted 20.3% of their 2021/22 soybeans as of late last week compared to 3% last year and 12% average according to the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea). This represents an advance of 14% for the week, which is a very good planting week. The soybean planting in the state is now the fastest in the last five years.
In the municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde in south-central Mato Grosso, soybean planting is progressing at a rapid pace with only 15% to 20% of the soybeans left to plant. Most farmers in the municipality should complete their soybean planting by about October 20th.
The president of the Rural Union of Lucas do Rio Verde indicated that the soybeans are being planted on time and if the weather cooperates during the growing season, soybean yields in the municipality could average 62 sacks per hectare (55.4 bu/ac), which is considered positive.
The earlier planted soybeans in the municipality will be ready to harvest in late December or early January, which is ideal for planting a second crop of corn or cotton. If the safrinha corn is planted at the correct time, yields in the municipality could be in the range of 120 to 130 sacks per hectare (114 to 124 bu/ac), if the weather cooperates.
Most producers received their inputs in time for planting, but some encountered delays and were forced to plant their soybeans without the fertilizers they had ordered.
The 2021/22 Brazil soybeans were 10% planted as of late last week compared to 3% last year and 9% average according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 6% for the week.