Feb 24, 2022
ADM Loads Largest Vessel out of Amazon Basin
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
ADM recently set a record for loading the largest grain vessel out of the Amazon Basin in northern Brazil. The vessel, MV Harvest Frost, was loaded with 84,802 tons of soybeans at their terminal at the Port of Barcarena at the mouth of the Amazon River near the city of Belem.
The vessel, which is 237 meters long and 40 meters wide, left port last week destined for Rotterdam. The soybeans will be crushed at an ADM facility where they will produce soybean meal, soybean oil, biodiesel, and other products.
Brazil's "Northern Arc" of ports on the Amazon River and along the north Atlantic Coast have taken on greater importance as more grain produced in central Brazil is transported north to export facilities along the Amazon River instead of the traditional large export facilities in southeastern Brazil. The trend of moving grain north instead of south will accelerate in the years ahead as new planed infrastructure projects such as railroads are completed.
The prior record was a vessel loaded with 82,531 tons of soybeans at the upriver Port of Santarem in 2020.