Mar 10, 2022
54% of Soybeans Harvested in Parana, 69% Safrinha Corn Planted
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Farmers in the state of Parana in southern Brazil have harvested 54% of their 2021/22 soybeans compared to 36% last year according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The remaining soybeans are rated 24% poor, 30% average, and 46% good. The condition rating of the remaining soybeans is better than several weeks ago because the worst soybeans have already been harvested. The later harvested soybeans are expected to have higher yields than the earlier harvested soybeans.
In their February report, Deral estimated the soybean production in Parana at 11.6 million tons, down 41% from the previous year.
Farmers have harvested 64% of the first corn crop with the remaining crop rated 19% poor, 34% average, and 47% good.
Farmers in Parana have planted 69% of the safrinha corn compared to 43% last year. The last day to plant safrinha corn in Parana and still be covered by crop insurance, is March 10th. Corn planted after that date runs a risk of being negatively impacted by frost before the crop matures. With La Nina still in place in the Pacific Ocean, metrologists in Brazil are forecasting that there is an increased chance of early frosts in the states of Parana and Mato Grosso do Sul. Any frost before the end of June could negatively impact the safrinha corn.
The safrinha corn is rated 1% poor, 9% average, and 90% good. Deral is expecting the safrinha corn production to be at least 15 million tons.