Mar 30, 2022
Estimated 2022 U.S. Corn Acreage 91.5 mac, Soybeans 88.5 mac
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
On Thursday, March 31st, the USDA will release their 2022 Prospective Planting Report, which will set the stage as we move into the 2022 U.S. planting season. As of now, I am estimating the 2022 U.S. corn acreage at 91.5 million acres compared to the 93.3 million planted last year. The 2022 U.S. soybean acreage is estimated at 88.5 million acres compared to 87.1 million acres planted last year.
The range of estimates for the 2022 U.S. acreage is very wide and I will be the first to admit that with everything going on in the world, the acreage estimate released by the USDA on Thursday will probably be adjusted by the time planting is complete.
For the 2022 U.S. yields, I am going to start the growing season with a corn yield of 178-179 bu/ac vs. a yield of 181 bu/ac in the February Outlook Meeting and a soybean yield of 51.5 bu/ac, which is the same as the 51.5 bu/ac in the February Outlook Meeting.