Jun 02, 2022

2022 U.S. Corn 86% Planted vs. 87% Avg., Soy 66% vs. 67% Avg.

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Warmer and dryer weather last week allowed for rapid planting in the central and eastern Corn Belt, while continued wet weather in the northwestern Corn Belt hindered the planting progress. Both the corn and soybean plantings are now just slightly behind the 5-year average.

The 2022 U.S. corn crop was 86% planted as of Sunday, May 29, 2022 compared to 94% last year and 87% average. The corn emergence was 61% compared to 79% last year and 68% average. Corn planting continues to be problematic in the northwestern Corn Belt with North Dakota 56% planted (83% average) and Minnesota 82% planted (92% average).

In the central and eastern Corn Belt, the corn planting is slightly ahead of average in most states especially Michigan with 80% of the corn planted (72% average), Illinois 89% planted (84% average), and Indiana 81% planted (76% average). The first corn condition rating will be issued on June 6th.

The 2022 U.S. soybean crop was 66% planted as of Sunday, May 29, 2022 compared to 83% last year and 67% average. The most delayed planting for soybeans was also in the northwestern Corn Belt with North Dakota 23% planted (70% average) and Minnesota 55% planted (80% average).

Soybean planting in several large producing states is ahead of average with Iowa 85% planted (77% average), Illinois 75% (67% average), and Indiana 70% planted (63% average). The first soybean condition rating will be issued on June 13th.

Heavy rains last weekend in the northwestern and eastern Corn Belt led to saturated conditions in many areas The topsoil moisture in Ohio is 47% surplus, North Dakota is 35% surplus, Indiana is 29% surplus, Minnesota is 28% surplus, and Michigan is 28% surplus.