Oct 12, 2022

2022/23 Soybean Planting in Argentina Should Start in 1-2 Weeks

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in Argentina will start to plant their 2022/23 soybeans in 1-2 weeks. Soybean planting usually gets started about mid-October with November being the main planting month. If the weather remains dry for the next several weeks, the soybean planting may start later-than-normal. A late start for soybeans does not necessarily mean lower yields because the weather later in the summer is the main determining factor for soybean yields.

A delayed and dry start to soybean planting could result in poor germination and delayed early development, which would increase the risk for low yields if the weather remained problematic during the growing season.

The early season weather in Argentina has followed the La Nina "playbook" with dryer-than-normal conditions across most of the country. Rainfall last week was localized in eastern La Pampa, western Buenos Aires, and northern Santa Fe. Rainfall amounts were very limited in the eastern part of the country in eastern Buenos Aires and Entre Rios. Only scant rains are forecasted for this week and with below normal rainfall for the 6-10 day period.

The long-range forecast for Argentina continues to be problematic. The models are pointing to above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation from November through February. We are just at the start of the growing season, so we must view any long-range forecast with some skepticism, but if these models verify, it could be another disappointing growing season in Argentina.