Jan 10, 2023
2022/23 Brazil's First Corn Crop 2.3% Harvested
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Brazilian farmers had harvested 2.3% of their first corn crop as of late last week compared to 3.1% last year according to AgRural.
Yields of the first corn crop in Brazil are going to be disappointing due to the ongoing dry conditions in the state of Rio Grande do Sul which has the largest first crop corn acreage of any state in Brazil. A few hectares of safrinha corn have been planted, but we will not get an official assessment of the safrinha crop until Conab releases their February Crop Report.
Rio Grande do Sul - Corn in Rio Grande do Sul was 92% planted compared to 94% last year and 97% average. This represents an advance of 1% for the week. Yields will be down across the state except for the northeastern region. In western Rio Grande do Sul, the yields in fields of irrigated corn planted in August and September may be down 30% and yields of dryland corn planted at the same time may be down 70-100% Some early corn harvesting is underway.
Parana - The corn in Parana was 21% in vegetative development, 35% pollinating, 40% filling grain, and 4% mature as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The corn was rated 3% poor, 18% average, and 79% good. The lowest rated corn is found in the southwestern part of the state where 10-30% of the corn is rated poor.
Deral reported that the first 950 hectares of safrinha corn were planted last week in the municipality of Francisco Beltrao in southwestern Parana. This represents 1% of the safrinha corn in the municipality