Jan 12, 2023
Farmers in Parana have Planted 1% of Their 2022/23 Safrinha Corn
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Farmers in the state of Parana in southern Brazil have initiated their safrinha corn planting.
Safrinha corn is the largest corn crop in Parana and it is planted after soybeans have been harvested.
According to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral), approximately 1% of the safrinha corn has been planted and farmers in Parana are expected to plant 2,643,860 hectares of safrinha corn in 2022/23 (6.53 million acres).
Most of the safrinha corn planted thus far has been in the southern and southwestern part of the state. The safrinha corn is 71% germinating and 29% in early vegetative development and the corn is rated 100% in good condition.
Farmers in the state also plant a smaller first crop of corn estimated at 397,900 hectares (982,813 acres). Deral reported that the first corn crop in Parana is 13% in vegetative development, 32% pollinating, 47% filling grain, and 8% maturing. The corn is rated 3% poor, 18% average, and 79% good.
Parana farmers plant the second largest safrinha corn crop following Mato Grosso where farmers are expected to plant 6.89 million hectares (17.02 million acres). Following Parana are the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Goias.