Feb 02, 2023
Soybeans in Parana, Brazil 1% Harvested vs. 11% Last Year
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Farmers in the state of Parana in southern Brazil have harvested 1% of their 2022/23 soybeans compared to 11% last year according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The harvest is still very localized due to the slow maturity of the crop. Planting of the soybean crop was delayed last October due to wet conditions.
The soybeans are 5% in vegetative development, 13% flowering, 66% filling pods, and 16% maturing and the soybeans are rated 4% poor, 15% average, and 81% good. Nationwide, the 2022/23 Brazilian soybean crop was 5% harvested as of late last week compared to 11% last year. Wet conditions in central Brazil are responsible for the slow start to the harvest.
As the soybeans are being harvested, farmers are starting to plant their safrinha corn. The safrinha corn is 3% planted in Parana compared to 10% last year. This represents an advance of 2% for the week.
Last week, Deral lowered their estimate of the 2022/23 soybean and corn crops in Parana due to dry weather last December that impacted both crops. They also trimmed their safrinha corn estimate due to lower anticipated acreage because the late maturing soybeans may not allow enough time to plant the safrinha corn within the ideal planting window. Instead of planting safrinha corn, some farmers may opt to plant winter wheat instead.
The first corn crop in Brazil is 1% harvested and the corn is 5% in vegetative development, 12% pollinating, 52% filling grain, and 31% maturing. The first corn crop is rated 3% poor, 17% average, and 80% good.