Feb 14, 2023

2022/23 Brazil Safrinha Corn 25% Planted vs. 42% Last Year

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The 2022/23 safrinha corn in Brazil was 25% planted as of late last week compared to 42% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 13% for the week. The planting was propelled by Mato Grosso where 34% of the safrinha corn has been planted. The later the safrinha corn gets planted, the greater risk for lower yields because the summer rains may end before the corn has a chance to mature (see precipitation map below).

Additionally, if it gets too late to plant safrinha corn in Parana or Mato Grosso do Sul, some farmers might opt for grain sorghum or winter wheat. In their February Crop Report, Conab lowered their estimate of the 2022/23 safrinha corn acreage by 280,000 hectares (691,600 acres) to 16.97 million hectares (41.9 million acres).

Mato Grosso - Mato Grosso is the big safrinha corn producing state in Brazil responsible for approximately 46% of the anticipated 2022/23 production and farmers in the state had planted 34% of the safrinha corn as of late last week compared to 57% last year and 48.4% average. This represents an advance of 17% for the week, which is very good progress for one week. The graph below from the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) shows the 2022/23 safrinha corn planting progress in Mato Grosso (red line).


Parana - As the soybeans get harvested, farmers in Parana are starting to plant their safrinha corn. Deral estimates that 4% of the safrinha corn has been planted compared to 19% last year. This represents an advance of 1% for the week. If it gets too late to plant safrinha corn, some farmers have indicated they may opt to plant grain sorghum or winter wheat.

In the table below are the top five safrinha corn producing states in Brazil from Conab's February Crop Report. The total 2022/23 safrinha corn acreage is estimated at 16.97 million hectares (41.9 million acres) which is up 3.7% from last year. The total 2022/23 safrinha corn production is estimated at 94.96 million tons which is up 10.6% comparted to the 85.89 million tons produced last year. As you can see, Mato Grosso is forecasted to produce almost half of all the safrinha corn in Brazil.

Brazilian Safrinha Corn Production – 2022/23

StateAcreageYOY % ChangeProductionYOY % ChangeProduction
Mato Grosso 6.89 mha+6.3% 44.07 mt +7.246.4%
Parana 2.63 mha -3.0% 14.45 mt +7.7 15.2%
Goias1.74 mha - 11.15 mt+41.0 11.7%
Mato Grosso do Sul2.19 mha +1.5 11.10 mt -9.4 11.6%
Minas Gerais 0.61 mha +11.5 3.73 mt +72.2 3.9%