Feb 16, 2023
Wet Weather Slowing Field Activities in Parana
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Farmers in the southern Brazilian state of Parana had harvested 7% of their 2022/23 soybeans as of earlier this week compared to 15% last year according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). This represents an advance of 5% for the week. The soybeans are 1% in vegetative development, 8% flowering, 56% filling pods, and 35% maturing. The crop is rated 3% poor, 13% average, and 84% good.
Recent wet weather has slowed the soybean maturation process in the state and the forecast is calling for more chances of rain in the coming days. Deral is estimating that farmeres in the state planted 5.74 million hectares of soybeans in 2022/23 (14.1 million acres), which is up 1% compared to last year.
Farmers in Parana are also harvesting their first corn crop. The corn crop was 7% harvested earlier this week with 2% in vegetative development, 3% pollinating, 52% filling grain, and 43% maturing. The corn is rated 2% poor, 15% average, and 83% good. Early corn yields are reported to be below expectations in western and southwestern regions of the state due to dry weather during December. Deral reported that farmers in the state were giving priority to harvesting their soybeans instead of corn.
As the soybeans are being harvested, farmers are planting their safrinha corn. The safrinha corn was 12% planted as of earlier this week compared to 28% last year and 23% average. The safrinha corn was 74% germinating and 26% in vegetative development and rated 100% in good condition.
The safrinha corn in the state is being planted later than desired and the later the corn is planted, the greater the possibility that an early frost might impact the corn before it has a chance to mature.