Mar 28, 2023
U.S. Farmers Hoping for a Turn to More "Spring Like" Weather
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
As we approach the end of March, U.S. farmers are looking for signs that the weather will start improving for spring planting. Unfortunately, that did not happen last week and it may not happen this week. The Midwest is forecasted to receive precipitation through the first days of April. The precipitation probably will not be heavy enough for flooding, but it will limit field activity.
Temperatures in the northwestern Midwest are forecasted to remain below normal this week and in the 6-10 day period. This is not good news for the Dakotas and western Minnesota where there is still a heavy snowpack. The greatest potential for flooding will probably be in the Red River Basin of eastern North Dakota. In the central and eastern Midwest, temperatures in the 6-10 day period may warm up to normal or slightly above normal. Bottom line - it continues to look like a relatively slow start to spring planting.
We will get a better picture of potential acreage with the March Prospective Plantings report on March 31st. With the recent slide in soybean prices and increase in corn exports, it is possible that corn might be gaining the upper hand in potential acreage (if the weather permits). Farmers may be more willing to plant $5.50 corn over $12.50 soybeans.