Nov 28, 2023
Brazil Cotton Acreage to Increase 14% in 2023/24 to 1.94 mha
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Farmers in Brazil are expected to increase their cotton acreage in 2023/24 by 14% to 1.94 million hectares (4.79 million acres) due to better returns especially in Mato Grosso according to Agroconsult. Approximately 10-13% of the cotton in Mato Grosso is planted as a full season crop with the remainder planted as a second crop following soybeans. In 2023/24, the amount of cotton planted as a full-season crop could be as high as 20% because some farmers may not replant their drought impacted soybeans and plant one crop of cotton instead.
They would prefer a good crop of cotton instead of a disappointing crop of soybeans and then not have time to plant a second crop of cotton or corn. Brazil is expected to produce 3.74 million tons of fiber, which would represent an increase of 16.4% compared to last year.
Brazil is getting close to surpassing the United States in cotton exports in 2023/24. Brazil is projected to export 2.6 million tons compared to 2.7 million tons for the United States.