Dec 20, 2023
Brazilian Farmers Purchasing Less Inputs for 2023/24 Safrinha Corn
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
All indications point to a lower 2023/24 safrinha corn acreage in Brazil, its just a matter of how much lower. Several months ago, Conab had already indicated that the safrinha corn acreage would be down 4.5%, but most observers think it will be down more than that. Estimating the safrinha corn acreage is going to be difficult this year.
Many farmers indicated that their soybean planting was delayed, which will make it too late to plant safrinha corn. On the other hand, there are farmers who indicated that they were not able to plant or replant all their intended soybeans and that they would plant corn instead. In addition to acreage, the safrinha corn yields could also be impacted if the current erratic weather continues into the new year.
Companies are reporting the sales of fertilizers and seed for the safrinha corn are down as much as 20% compared to last year. Sales could still increase if the weather improves, but it is getting late for delivery of these products especially in the center-west region of Brazil.
Parana - The first corn crop in Parana was 21% in vegetative development, 36% pollinating, 41% filling grain, and 2% maturing as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The corn was rated 3% poor, 17% average, and 80% good.
Rio Grande do Sul - All of the corn has now been planted in Rio Grande do Sul and the corn is generally rated in good condition.