Dec 29, 2023
Soybean Planting in Mato Grosso do Sul Extended Until January 13th
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Soybean producers in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in south-central Brazil now have until January 13th to finish planting their 2023/24 soybeans. The Brazilian Minister of Agriculture has extended the soybean planting window for several states in Brazil due to the hot and dry weather across much of Brazil during October and November.
The extension had been requested by Aprosoja/MS and Famasul after farmers had reported that they had not received enough moisture to plant or replant their soybeans by the original end to the planting window on December 24th.
Farmers in the state were expected to increase their soybean acreage 6.5% to 4.26 million hectares (10.5 million acres) with an average yield of 54 sacks per hectare (48.2 bu/ac) and a production of 13.8 million tons. Both the planted acreage and average yield are expected to be lower than originally anticipated, so the Minister of Agriculture wanted to give farmers in Mato Grosso do Sul and other states the maximum flexibility in getting their soybeans planted.
Some early maturing soybeans are already being harvested in parts of Brazil while other farmers are still trying to finish planting. The irregularity in planting is being attributed to a strong El Nino that has resulted in exceptionally hot and dry conditions across central Brazil. The recent weather has improved, but irreparable damage has already been done to the early maturing soybeans.