Jan 17, 2024
Poor Soybean Seed Quality in Central Brazil Could be an Issue
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Farmers in Mato Grosso are reporting some poor-quality soybean seed which is no surprise given the adverse weather encountered by the early maturing soybeans. Farmers will be discounted at the grain elevator when they deliver such poor-quality seed. The quality of the later maturing soybeans are expected to be better if the crop does not encounter heavy rain at the time of harvest.
January is generally the peak of the rainy season in central Brazil, which can be a challenge for harvesting soybeans. Prolonged periods of wetness and high temperatures can quickly result in moldy and shriveled soybean seeds.
The poor-quality soybeans pictured below are the result of hot and dry conditions that impacted the early maturing soybeans during pod filling.
Photo courtesy of SoNoticias.
Trying to harvest soybeans in central Brazil during the peak of the rainy season can be a challenge as well as trying to transport the soybeans on dirt roads. Below is the situation on the road connecting Lucas do Rio Verde and Santa Rita do Trivelato in south-central Mato Grosso. There are five other quagmires along a 60 kilometer stretch of the road as well as on other roads in the region. The road is closed for the time being.
On the left of the picture are soybeans turning yellow and on the right are soybeans that are still green. Too much rain at harvest can be a significant problem for soybean farmers in central Brazil.
Photo courtesy of SoNoticias.