Jan 18, 2024
Northern Ports Exported 37% of Brazil's Total Grain in 2023
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Brazil exported 51 million tons of grain from ports in the Amazon region in 2023 according to the Association of Port Terminals of the Amazon Basin (Amport). This represents an increase of 22% compared to the 41.5 million exported in 2022. In 2023, 37% of Brazil's grain exports were through the Northern Arc of ports compared to 34% in 2022.
Most of the grain exported through the Norther Arc of ports was produced in Mato Gross, northern Goias, Tocantins, and northeastern Brazil. Recent improvements of highway BR-163 that links Mato Grosso to the Amazon River, has greatly facilitated the movement of grain northward out of Mato Grosso. The long planned Ferrograo Railroad, which will parallel BR-163, will move even more grain, but construction of the railroad has been delayed for years by legal action brought by indigenous and environmental groups.
Amport represents 13 companies that export grain, minerals, and liquids through the northern ports and import fertilizers and chemicals.