Jan 24, 2024

2023/24 Brazil Safrinha Corn 5% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Brazil's safrinha corn was 5.0% planted as of late last week compared to 1% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 4.5% for the week. Mato Grosso leads the way in safrinha planting followed by Parana. Brazil's first corn crop was 7.9% harvested as of late last week compared to 5.9% last year. This represents an advance of 1.8% for the week.

Mato Grosso - The safrinha corn in Mato Grosso was 3.9% planted as of late last week compared to 2.2% last year and 7.6% average. This represents an advance of 2.6% for the week. Below is the safrinha corn planting progress in Mato Grosso (red line) from Imea.


Parana first corn crop - Farmers in Parana had harvested 5% of their first corn crop as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The corn's growth cycle has been accelerated due to the high temperatures and the corn is rated 4% poor, 23% average, and 73% good. Corn yields are expected to be just OK because some of the corn was impacted by dry weather during the second half of December, but the corn was not impacted as much as the soybeans.

Parana safrinha corn - The safrinha corn in Parana was 4% planted as of earlier last week according to Deral.

Rio Grande do Sul - The corn in Rio Grande do Sul is 96% planted and 21% harvested. Emater estimates that farmers planted 817,000 hectares (2.01 million acres) and the yield is estimated at 7,414 kg/ha (119 bu/ac). Yields are expected to be below trend due to excessive moisture at pollination and heavy insect and disease pressure.