Apr 04, 2023

Safrinha Corn is 87.5% Planted in Mato Grosso do Sul

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Safrinha corn production in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in center-west Brazil is a tale of two halves. In the northern half of the state, the crop is doing fine, while in the southern half of the state, the corn is suffering from dry conditions.

According to the Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Mato Grosso do Sul (Famasul), the safrinha corn is 85.7% planted compared to 83.7% last year at this time. The ideal planting window is from January 13th to March 10th. Corn planted after that period has a higher risk of frost and dry weather before the crop matures.

Famasul is rating the safrinha corn statewide as 10% poor, 16% average, and 73% good, but the ratings vary significantly by region. In the central and northern regions, the corn is rated 100% in good condition. In the southern frontier region, the corn is rated 32% poor, 20% poor in the south, 17% poor in southwest, and 11% poor in the southeast. Rainfall in the southern half of the state continues to be below normal with temperatures above normal.

Farmers in the state are expected to plant 2.21 million hectares of safrinha corn (5.4 million acres), which is down 5.8% compared to last year. The average statewide yield is estimated at 86.5 sacks per hectare (82.5 bu/ac), which is down 14.2% compared to last year. The corn production in Mato Grosso do Sul is estimated at 11.4 million tons, which is down 19.22% compared to 2023.

Famasul is recommending farmers not plant any more safrinha corn because of the elevated risk of reduced yields.