Apr 23, 2024
U.S. Corn 12% Planted vs 10% Average, Soy 8% vs. 4% Average
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
As of Sunday, U.S. farmers had planted 12% of their 2024 corn compared to 12% last year and 10% average. This represents an advance of 6% for the week. Corn was 3% emerged compared to 2% last year and 2% average.
In the mid-South, the corn is 31% planted in Tennessee (28% average), 23% in Kentucky (24% average), 47% in Missouri (21% average), and 26% in Kansas (18% average). Initial corn planting in the Midwest is underway with 13% planted in Iowa (8% average), 11% in Illinois (10% average), and 8% in Minnesota (4% average). Corn planting is more advanced in the western Corn Belt compared to the eastern Corn Belt.
Farmers would like to get about 50% of the corn planted by about May 10th and 80% or more planted by the end of May. Planting in the U.S. can proceed very quickly given the right conditions, but a wet forecast for later this week and into next week needs to be watched.
Farmers in the U.S. had planted 8% of their 2024 soybeans as of Sunday compared to 8% last year and 4% average. This represents an advance of 5% for the week. In the mid-South, the soybeans are 6% to 17% planted. In the Midwest, soybeans are 8% planted in Iowa (2% average), 11% in Illinois (6% average), and 5% in Minnesota (0% average).
Early planting is not as critical for soybeans as it is for corn, but farmers would still like to have 60-70% of the soybeans planted by the end of May. In 2023, soybean planting progressed quickly with about 50% planted by mid-May and 80% planted by the end of May.
Rainfall over the weekend was mostly limited to the Delta and Texas with dry weather across most of the corn belt which favored field work, but temperatures were below normal. Mostly dry weather will continue across the corn belt until later this week with the return of rain in the western areas and then across most of the corn belt during the 6-10-day period.