Apr 25, 2024
2023/24 Safrinha Corn in Southern Brazil Needs Additional Rain
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Rainfall last week favored much of Brazil with the heaviest amounts in northern and far southern Brazil with south-central areas also receiving rain. The forecast is calling for dryer weather across much of central Brazil with rainfall limited to far southern Brazil. Temperatures are expected to be above normal with potential moisture stress developing again across south-central Brazil.
Last week was a good week for the safrinha corn especially in south-central Brazil which received beneficial rain. Some damage to the safrinha corn has already occurred due to extended dry weather in western and northern Parana and southern Mato Grosso do Sul. The forecast now looks dryer going forward with warming temperatures. Additional rainfall will be needed especially for the late planted safrinha corn.
Northern safrinha corn continues to receive rain as it progresses toward maturity. The forecast looks dryer going forward, but the recent rains have been supportive of crop development and should be enough to sustain the crop until maturity.
The earliest planted corn in Mato Grosso should be ready to start harvesting by mid-May. It was planted generally a week or more earlier than normal because of the early soybean harvest. Safrinha corn yields in Mato Grosso will be variable, but generally good.
Brazilian farmers are also keeping a close eye on corn leafhopper numbers that have increased 280% over the last two years. The insects can transmit corn stunt disease, which has become more common in safrinha corn, but the impact is still minor compared to the catastrophe developing in Argentina corn.